A STONE house! Everybody's dream! The charm, the indestructibility, the rarity due to its cost. Some important parts are updated but it is sitting like a blank canvas for you to make it 100% your own. Improve your love life with the side by side double first floor masters! After a few years, doesn't that sound like a dream? NO MORE SNORING!! 2 story entry opens unto an oversized living room with fireplace, built-ins and double doors to a Juliet terrace. Step down into a vaulted ceiling-ed family room with direct access to a four seasons room overlooking the private back yard. Enormous dining room filled with cascading light. First floor guest suite/office with bath. Art Deco tile work throughout that set the bar when new. Black, white and red tiled kitchen opens to driveway and hosts a nook with built in display cases. First floor laundry. Second floor offers 2 more enormous bedrooms with hall bath. Clayton adjacent. A decorator's dream. REED. Prefer as is sale for home and pool.
9117 Clayton Road, Ladue, MO 63124
5 Bedrooms, 5 Baths, 4,173 Sqft
Offered at $879,900
Call 314-764-5238 for more information.